
Behold, the power of the Splinternet!


I recently met with a business that was looking for a Director of Digital Opportunities and being a HUGE fan of vague/ethereal titles (no really), I was most interested in the”digital” part of the title. As I’ve mentioned on this blog in the past, there is enormous collision going on between the online world and the tangible world. (Reminds me of that car commercial where he...

It may be location today but tomorrow it will be product


I’ve been reading up on the latest methods of location determination (LD for those that love acronyms) and I have to say that if mobile is going to get to the level of detail it needs to be, we’re going to have to employ better methods (and maybe technologies) that allow the users precision. I’ll list out the three methods I’m aware of and their strengths/weaknesses. GPS...

Social media for the entrepreneur


This is a ENORMOUS post. If I weren’t summarizing a presentation I gave last night, I would have broken it into a small miniseries with many guest stars including Betty White. So make sure you go to the bathroom before you start. Last night I got the chance to speak to a class at DU that focuses on creating business plans. Social media is perfect for the startup due to the low barriers of...

Consumer intent through tweets & status updates (video)


Scott Hoffman of Cliqology talks about consumer intent at the Webtrends Engage conference in New Orleans. He used to help him determine the trends. The amazing thing is that this does not count tweets and “status updates” (great branding by Facebook!) that don’t use URL shorteners. I’d like to like to know that stat . . . He talks very quietly so turn it up and...

Retail 2.0


I know. I know. Stick ‘2.0’ on the end of anything and it means it’s soooooo different. Most times it is different and this time is no exception. If you’re selling consumer product goods: brace yourself. I’ve posted about the virtual world colliding with the physical world if smart phone growth this year is any condition (110% nationally/148% internationally) there...