
Needed: Social Media Marketing Projects for spring quarter 2022


For the past 9 years, I’ve had numerous real-world clients in my digital marketing classes. The clients shown above are some of the more memorable businesses/projects. (We also help startups/small businesses.) This is an incredible experience for my students and the clients. The students get real-world experience and the clients get free work from some of the brightest minds. If...

A recipe for running a successful association


This post is for associations that are in emerging industries with niche expertise. I’ve had clients that want to tap into social media but the nature of their business makes it a challenge. I often recommend that they tap into professional associations within their industry and then develop a content strategy that makes sense. (Associations should be thought of as niche social networks...

Wolves and the social food chain


I recently read this article  that discusses how Snapchat needs to grow faster to compete with Instagram.  I call Snapchat “Facebook Labs” because Instagram has copied most of Snapchat’s functionality over the past year. So much that Snapchat has acquired a team that makes reverse engineering difficult.  (I also want to see if they can get creative with patenting.) I also...

Five changes brands need to make


Way back in May, I was fortunate enough to attend Brandwatch’s Now You Know conference series in Denver. It was an awesome event and it was focused on educating marketers as to what can be known and utilized to build their business’ through social listening. One of my favorite presentations was given by Misia Tramp, VP of Customer Experience Strategy at Metia. Not only was she a...

Needed: Digital Marketing Projects for winter quarter 2018


For the past 7 years, I’ve had real-world clients in my digital marketing classes. Clients include Skratch Labs, Illegal Pete’s, Ralph Schomp BMW, Wheat Ridge Cyclery, Crunchyroll, Sphero, Comedy Works and Red Rocks. (These are some of the larger names and we do projects for startups/small businesses.) This is an incredible experience for my students and the clients. The students get...

Am I watching an online community die?


I have been on Imgur (pronounced imager) since 12.13. I can’t remember exactly why I decided to spend time there but I immediately loved it. Visually, it somewhat resembles Pinterest. The primary difference is that it’s filled with user-generated images, gifs, etc instead of professionally taken photos. It was created as the image hosting server for Reddit and a detailed history...