For the past 9 years, I’ve had numerous real-world clients in my digital marketing classes. The clients shown above are some of the more memorable businesses/projects. (We also help startups/small businesses.) This is an incredible experience for my students and the clients. The students get real-world experience and the clients get free work from some of the brightest minds. If...
TikTok: Data mining, discrimination and dangerous content on the wildly popular app (video)
Stephane Wahlers of Night Media discusses influencers & content creators (video)
Jason Momoa restores his wife’s first Mustang
This is really cool and I kinda wish she would have driven it at the end . . .
Hafod Hardware Christmas 2019 (video)
The backstory to this amazing little piece of content can be found here. Enjoy!
The Golden Age of the Internet is Over (video)
This is worth watching . . .
Yearning for Turning (video)
The Great Meme War by VICELAND (video)
Update:Â This video has been taken down but you can see a “not so pretty version” here.
This is a great piece by VICELAND focusing on the usage of memes to influence the outcome of the last election. Enjoy!
Needed: Digital Marketing Projects for winter quarter 2018
For the past 7 years, I’ve had real-world clients in my digital marketing classes. Clients include Skratch Labs, Illegal Pete’s, Ralph Schomp BMW, Wheat Ridge Cyclery, Crunchyroll, Sphero, Comedy Works and Red Rocks. (These are some of the larger names and we do projects for startups/small businesses.) This is an incredible experience for my students and the clients. The students get...
It’s time for Flipboard to get contextual
I love Flipboard. It’s an amazing tool and I’ve recommended strategies in the past. I’ve been spending more time on it lately and they’ve been doing a great job of suggesting topics for me to follow. When I open the app, it takes me to the Daily Edition, which is an aggregate of all stories across “all” my interests. This is a great idea but I notice that when...