I received my first set of course/instructor evaluations for the class I taught this past winter quarter: ITEC 4700 class: Web for Business Success, at the Daniels College of Business, University of Denver. I had an amazing teaching experience and tremendous students with diverse backgrounds and different levels of expertise. It will be hard to top my experience from this past Winter. Now . . ...
ITEC 4700: Class 19 & 20 – Final Presentations
The video mashup above sums up the final presentations of the quarter; an awesome mixture of just about everything we covered in class! One group was tasked with developing a Web 2.0 business model while another group had to outline an up and coming Web 2.0 technology. The last group presented the cultural implications of Web 2.0. The first group detailed a business model that one of the...
ITEC 4700: Class 17 – Web 3.0
Last night we reviewed the concept of Web 3.0. It’s the end of the quarter so I let some videos do the talking. Before we watched the videos below I had the students fill out the course evaluation online. This is an interesting feeling. You feel like your future is in their hands as much they feel with it with their grades. I vaguely remember this from when I attended. Strange feeling all...
ITEC 4700: Class 16 – Monetizing Web 2.0
Thursday we started off with several of my students asking if my Twitter account had been hacked. And yes, it had. Someone got in and sent out the following message: ‘hi, i’m 24/female/horny… i have to get off here but message me on my windows live messenger name *****@hotmail.com’. They had direct messaged a large number of my followers. (I was also alerted by someone who...
ITEC 4700: Class 15 – Twitterville
Tuesday two students presented Shel Israel’s book, Twitterville. They did a great job and took a deep dive into the lessons learned covered in our Twitter class. In hindsight, next time I’ll have the Twitterville presentation and the Twitter class coincide. Seems like common sense but I wanted to get to Twitter earlier than later since it is an important marketing engine and...
ITEC 4700: Class 12 – iPhone
Thursday we reviewed the iPhone and how it could impact social media. That is to say that it hasn’t yet although it has experienced tremendous growth and some claim it is behind Twitter’s explosion. It’s the device that’s driving the smartphone explosion in the United States and could be behind the growing number of those accessing social networks via mobile devices...
ITEC 4700: Class 11 – YouTube
Last night we reviewed YouTube. We took a look at the Icelantic Channel and took a look at the built in analytics specific to an individual video. Pretty amazing information given that it’s free. Leave it to Google. Unfortunately there are no English Pirate speakers in this demographic as there were on their Facebook account. This information also helps you understand (screen shot below)...
ITEC 4700: Class 10 – Naked Conversations
10 classes down this past Thursday. I can’t believe how quickly it’s going. Two of the students did a presentation on Naked Conversations, a book by Shel Israel and Robert Scoble. The book focuses on how blogging is transforming businesses and they used the online tool Prezi for their presentation (below). Pretty cool collaborative, presentation tool. They reviewed the book chapter by...
ITEC 4700: Class 9 – Facebook
Yesterday was Facebook. Most are very familiar with Facebook as a user but most are not using it for business. I do have a student in class that uses Facebook for their fan page functionality. Chris demoed (yep; that’s how it’s spelled) the “back office” functionality of Facebook fan pages and discovered that out of all the languages represented in the world, they...
ITEC 4700: Class 8 – Cluetrain Manifesto
Thursday night we talked about the iPad and whether there was a market for such a device. We then had a team present The Cluetrain Manifesto. They talked about communicating in a transparent & active voice online. I love the 12 step program according to the Cluetrain authors: Relax Have a sense of humor Find your own voice and use it Tell the truth Don’t panic Enjoy yourself Be brave Be...