ITEC 4700: Class 14 – Social Mobile


Thursday we talked about one of my favorite attributes of social media; mobile. This field is growing by leaps and bounds and provides some of the most compelling marketing opportunities. The first thing we did was talk about  existing technologies that enable location based offerings to be possible.

We then discussed two of the major players in the location space. Brightkite and Foursquare. We talked about placestreaming, Kiteups (rhymes with tweetups), “caribou crossings (Brightkite wants to introduce you to the people that travel the same patterns that you do), the element of game (badges, mayors, etc), some of Foursquare’s recent deals, Facebook supporting Foursquare check-ins and the concept of location as a platform.

I forgot to mention meetMoi in class. Great idea for a mobile dating site and prior to class one of the students found (It’s only a matter of time before the founder of Foursquare get their homes broken into by the creators of PleaseRobeMe.)

From there we touched on trends:

I then listed out a number of sites that are focused on information for the mobile industry.

We then talked about the future of mobile

We ended the class discussing whether or not the iPad was a mobile device. Good conversation and I’ll post on this later if I can actually form a strong opinion.

Next class we have a presentation reviewing the book Twitterville by Shel Israel. (I also got the Esquire augmented reality issue to share with the class. Gotta love eBay!)