ITEC 4700: Class 1 – Conceptual Model


I taught my first class at Daniels College of Business last night. (Web 2.0 for Business Success.) It was awesome and I had a good time. I’ve got a tremendous group of students with a diverse set of interests. We scratched the surface of the artist formerly known as Web 2.0 and then walked through the evolution to the Internet since businesses first entered the fray. We also installed Digsby and followed @MichaelMyers/itec-4700 to get a “personalized social media RSS” via Twitter. Digsby sends updates to your screen allowing you to view stories as they come in. It’s impossible to chase developing news; much better to have them come to me. (The list will continue to grow with SMEs and thought leaders. Please send any recommendations.)

Next class we’re going to talk about the conceptual framework that I mapped out in my first several posts.