ITEC 4700: Class 3 – social objects, social graph, social capital


Tonight was our third class and we discussed the concepts of social objects, the social graph and the social capital; what can I say, it was a social night. We reviewed the importance of identifying and tying experiences to your product/service. We talked about the rules of building social capital according to Chris Brogan:

  • Listen first – before you do anything, make sure you know who you’re talking to.
  • Measure conversations – figure out how valuable conversations are to you and your goals.
  • Small steps – trust is something that comes over time. Go slow.
  • Lead an initiative – once you’ve established yourself with like minded peers, figure out if you can help them attain a group goal.
  • Profit – never forget that you’d like to make money.

The students shared their interests in everything from CrossFit to the engineering of bridges. We also discussed the concept of the social graph and now that I think of it, I forgot to talk about the impact of this on their business and search. We’ll talk about it on Thursday.

Next class we’re going to talk about blogging, WordPress and Technorati.