
It’s time for Flipboard to get contextual


I love Flipboard. It’s an amazing tool and I’ve recommended strategies in the past. I’ve been spending more time on it lately and they’ve been doing a great job of suggesting topics for me to follow. When I open the app, it takes me to the Daily Edition, which is an aggregate of all stories across “all” my interests. This is a great idea but I notice that when...

What season is it?


Checkout Whole Foods Pinterest board. What do you notice? Look again. It takes a couple of seconds. (Hint: Read the post title.)

Social needs to be timely and seasonal is a kind of meta-timely. Login and rearrange your boards to be contextual. It’s like Tweeting about a Christmas event in March.

The Starbucks app needs to be more contexutal


I’ve been playing with the Starbucks app for awhile and I like some of the things it does. I especially like the geofences it creates when I select my favorite stores. (When you get close to one of your favorite locations, the app creates a push alert that essentially lets you know you’re close AND they are ready to charge you for a drink!) I like this because I’m a geogeek and...

Get creepy


I arrive in Denver at 3:32pm on flight 1431.  I need to get to Boulder by 7pm for a dinner meeting. I get off the plane and make my way to the main concourse. I receive a text that Uber will be at door 8B on the west side as usual. I reply back; “I’m hungry but don’t know what I want. ” They message back, “We’ll take care of it.”  I make my way to the...

Adtile makes advertising contexual


If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you know that I’m not a fan of advertising. The reason for that is pretty simple. It sucks. They throw things out there to see what sticks. Even behavioral is still not very good. (I don’t log into Facebook anymore because they think they know me.) Recently much of the conversation around mobile advertising has centered around...

The concierge and the future of mobile advertising


I’m currently working with a client (and a small army of students) on creating an app for their business. It’s been a great process and as we work through their models I realized that we’ve crossed over some conceptual threshold. From proactive to reactive. Now . . . most times when I say something like that, there is a slight groan that comes from the audience. I understand...