Tonight we reviewed a great white paper by the founders of the now defunct Photokast. The white paper reviews the pitfalls around creating applications. There are numerous lessons learned but my favorite is the advice of Northwest Venture Partner’s @timechange (warning; he doesn’t tweet much) to focus on the 7 deadly sins in regards to creating an application.
- Lust – Dating
- Gluttony – Shopping
- Greed – Budget/Financial
- Sloth – Productivity
- Wrath – Debate/Politics
- Envy – Shopping
- Pride – Personal Brand
These are “elements of humanity” to keep in mind when creating your app.
We covered the operational concerns when creating and app and discussed the difference between creating an app and building a business. To put it simply, for some an app is a tactic and there are those, such as Instagram, where the app is the strategy. We also talked about creating value before generating revenue. (Something MBA students struggle with, I assure you.)
Next class, we’re covering usability!