Information Technology Strategy: Class 14 – Final Presentations


Tonight we had two final presentations. The first was a review of  Noodle’s & Company social media strategy and then recommendations for future strategies. The presentation is below and my students nailed it. Overall Noodles does an excellent job given the resources they have to work with. (They sorely need to redesign their site. Looks like the Ugly Dolls site; which I love because it’s appropriate.)

The second group presented an idea on creating a remote set of cabins called COPEI. A mountain escape. The goal was to allow people to utilize technology in the most rugged of places. The cabins were sparsely furnished and far off of the beaten path. Customers would have access to a number of activities including MT biking, fishing, cross-country skiing, hiking, etc. I really liked this idea and believe there is a strong market for people who want to rough it with their technology in tow. The real challenge for this business, in the Rocky MTs, is the Pine Beetle Infestation, which is transforming the landscape year after year.

Next class we have a business model that requires and NDA so I can’t really talk about it. We also are going to take a deep dive into the future of Facebook.