
Your personal brand and the spectrum of suck


I draw this diagram in class every time I review the concept of personal brands. I also say something like this: On the left you have companies that aren’t much fun to work for. Think cube farm of death. They may be able to pay your bills but the day-to-day is a grind. They’re companies that suck. On the right you have the companies you really want to work for. If you’re...

Location: the essential element in your personal brand


Last week I was lecturing to my class on the importance of personal brands in the digital age. This is a lecture I’ve given numerous times before, with an emphasis on transparency and passion. Let them know who you really are without getting too personal Passion is what gets work done I had them look themselves up on LinkedIn (after Googling themselves) to see if there were any issues that...

American Express + Klout


I’ve posted about Amex as being one of the more forward thinking BIG companies out there when it comes to mobile social with recent offerings though Twitter and Foursquare. I’m convinced that one of the next things that Amex will offer is the ability for consumers to link their accounts with their Klout score. It makes complete sense and here are some reasons for this...

Solving the Foursquare, employee-mayor problem


If you use Foursquare, this issue will sound familiar. (If you don’t use Foursquare, run right out and download your free version here. No really. It’s good for you.) The issue lies in that employees who use Foursquare are most likely to be the mayor of that location since they check in almost daily; assuming a 9-5/40 hours a week job. While this is great for double checking the...

Josh Homme and the power of transparency


As you may know I’m a huge fan of Anthony Bourdain. Although I think I pissed him off by telling him – via Twitter, while he was tweeting live during one of this year’s shows – that he should right a book about his travels, when in fact, he’d already done that with No Reservations: Around the World on an Empty Stomach. (Not a great move for a self-proclaimed fanboy...

Personal brand and business brand alignment


I recently read a post on Jason Markow’s blog (which you should read frequently; it’s good for you) about narcissism and personal branding. He brought up some excellent points about not sacrificing the business for sake of someone’s personal brand of those involved. His argument was that the business should be able to survive if that person and their brand leave and that some...