Prepare to negotiate


When I posted Retail 2.0 I was asked several times (in person; not sure why some are afraid to comment) what I thought the end result of all that information, technology was for the retailer and my answer was; prepare to negotiate.

Most of us in the US of A don’t negotiate unless we’re buying large products. We simply go to the check out counter and hand them the card. Now that customers know more about product more than the sales person and can do some comparative shopping on the fly with apps like RedLaser, customers are going to be asking to reduce the price to beat the nearest competitor.

Not to beat a dead horse but we are back in the market place; off and online. As a retailer it would be best to think about how this is handled in Europe (and the rest of the world for that matter). It will take time for culture in America to catch up but this will become the norm.