My grey Saturday


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So  . . . my wife and I went out today since the kids were with their grandmother. In the process we forgot our mobile phones. We BOTH forgot our phones.

But, being level-headed individuals we thought we’d feel disconnected while simultaneously feeling good because we could just hang out with each other, uninterrupted. However, over the next couple of hours, I/we realized how enabling our phones are. Something I of course suspected.  ;)

Foursquare/Forkly – First we went to Starbucks. I knew I wouldn’t be able to check-in on Foursquare but I didn’t plan on having the Eggnog latte. I wouldn’t say it was epic but I did want to share it on Forkly. From there we went to the abyss! (Loosely translated: the mall.)

Instagram/Tumblr – We were in H&M and I spied a Cookie Monster beanie in the mens’ section. I would normally have taken a shot of such a magnificent thing but again, I was without my mobile phone.

SMS – As I was trying on clothes at H&M, I noticed a small sign in the changing room letting me know that if I were to text, 63354 to 74126, I would get 10% off on my entire order. But alas . . .

“the phone/clock” – My mom was supposed to drop them off early in the afternoon but we had no idea what time since we didn’t have the phone nor a watch.

For those of you that don’t want to be a slave to your phone: get a grip. I/we aren’t slaves. We were fine. We simply weren’t able to share our experience as we normally would have. Don’t think of the device as an anchor but more of a Swiss Army knife. Would you go camping without one of those?

The mobile phone. The tool for the urban wilderness.

By Michael Myers