Simon Sinek at TEDx Puget Sound: focus on the why


Simon Sinek makes some excellent points in this TED video but I have to admit, I don’t agree. Just in case you don’t watch the video, his supposition is that why something is done is the most important thing when creating products, services or anything for that matter. I believe intent is important and have gone as far as questioning whether or not people should be marketing things if...



I have been a fan of TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) since 2006 when I stumbled upon a video of a man talking about the intelligence of Octopi. Wikipedia has more background information than I’m willing to get into for this post and it would suffice to say that TED conferences and their speakers provide profound perspectives. The goal of the organization (my own words) is to...

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity (funny yet amazing video)


I don’t talk much about creativity in this blog but I try to inject creativity into every business process I participate in. Legos are the metaphor I use to get people to understand how mediums/campaigns/partnerships/etc & last but not least: mobile and social can be brought together to create successful products/services. Enjoy the video!