Moby & Björk show us music


Back in May, Moby released his latest effort, Destroyed, utilizing new media in a very creative way.

  • His microsite features an interactive map with pictures at various locations. These are images highlighted by white dots were taken by Moby while he was touring and recording his album. The black dots mark the location of Instagram images added by his fans using the #destroyed hastag. (I’m proud to say that some images from Colorado are included.) The only thing I don’t like about this is that Moby doesn’t actually have an Instgram account. His music, much the Mr. Reznor’s is very visual and they need to get on Instagram now!
  • He utilized SoundCloud to stream the entire album.

I really enjoyed this album and most importantly, how he released it.

Now, Björk (pronounced buh-JORK) has raised the proverbial bar to an all new level. She is releasing her new album, Biophilia via an free iPad/iPhone app and individual apps (per song) can be purchased within the app primary iPad app.

I hope Tool is taking notes and does something like this!