TEDxDU 2011 review


This year’s TEDxDU was AMAZING!! There was something for everyone. At least I think there was. There was a lot for me and my wife! I will be posting the videos of my favorite presentations, as soon as they’re available and I wanted to summarize some of the best presentations in no particular order.

Jose Guerroro – A slam poet that was born for the stage. He was amazing!

The Interfaith Amigos - Imam Jamal Rahman, Pastor Don Mackenzie and Rabbi Ted Falcon lead a conversation that showed the similarities between the three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They made an excellent point that they all believe in the same universal truths and what most get hung up on are the paths to reaching those universal truths. Their site is here.

Tor Myhren – Tor gave a great talk on creativity killers (1. surveillance, 2. over control 3. competition) and he also mentioned the fact that creativity is currently the most sought-after quality by CEOs.

Ramona Pierson – This was the most amazing presentation for me. She actually presented twice! One was about her personal story, which I will wait for the video to convey, since I won’t be able to do it justice. The second presentation was awe inspiring. She has created an algorithm that enable educators to determine how specific children learn. They also take into account how the educator teaches to help facilitate the educational relationship between the educator and the students. I’ve always been interested in how students learn. I consider myself a visual kinesthetic learner, while the world is built for those that learn through reading. That is one of the things I love most about technology. If done right, it can address the spectrum of learning styles.

Lastly we got an update on Aaron Huey (via video) and what’s happening with his fight for the Lakota people. One of the people he’s partnered with, is one of my favorite artists, Shepard Fairey and they handed out copies of a print they’ve created to bring attention to the cause. (Print and video below)

Again, I will post the TEDxDU videos as soon as they’re available. If you are unfamiliar with TED/TEDxDU, I would strongly encourage you to attend any event.