
Audi fan Newsjacks Sochi


So if you saw the opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, you probably saw the fifth ring of the olympic logo fail to open. Not a great moment in Russian history. Then a few days later, the image below emerged. Many marketers thought, “They did it again! Someone newsjacked the olympics just as Oreo did during the power outage at the Super Bowl last year.” And they were...

Marketing personas need Brand Graphs


I was in a LEGOs’ store today and was wishing I was 10 again. Not that you need an excuse to enjoy yourself with kids toys but it sorta helps. It was amazing how busy the store was and made me feel like I’d wandered into the Apple store. As I watched my son assemble LEGO characters I started to think about how LEGOs had impacted my early life and then thought about how Apple had...