
ITEC-4700: Class 4 – blogging


Had a great class on Thursday and talked about blogging and how it can be used to build your business. We specifically covered its impact on SEO and transparency. Blogging can cover all four levels of online relationships: finable, recommendable, transparent and collaborative. We also talked about Google’s battle with China and how microblogging is happening without Twitter in China. We...

For sales: Twitter is networking, blogging is the follow-up call


I had yet another conversation that started with, “I don’t get Twitter”. Fortunately (for me) the conversation ended with an, “Oh. I get it.” The analogy I used for this person (who’s in sales: aren’t we all?) is that it is best to think of Twitter as networking, except that it’s a one to many model. By Tweeting about what your business is doing for...