11 Twitter Case Studies


Just read a report by MarketingProfs called Twitter Success Stories. This report features 11 case studies showing how various businesses utilized Twitter to help market their business. This is a great report and some of the best examples are:

  1. Kogi Korean BBQ (@kogibbq) was founded in November 2008 and specializes in Korean BBQ tacos. These delicious morsels are offered from Kogi’s trucks and because of various logistical concerns, the trucks can’t be in the same location every night. This is where Twitter comes in. Now Mike Prasad, Brand and Social Media Director of Kogi notifies fans of where the truck will be and the line of people has gone from 10 to 300-800. Fans of Kogi have also made small “films” of what goes on in the line while waiting for the truck to arrive. This is a great story and shows and obvious yet creative way to use Twitter. Now all we need is Kogi in Denver.
  2. Walt Disney Co is this little entertainment company that has been around since the dawn of time. For the release of the 70th anniversary edition of Pinocchio on DVD/Blu-ray they decided they wanted to utilize “conversational marketing”. The key to this type of marketing is to  be totally honest and transparent. For this Disney found Melanie Notkin, an entrepreneur who runs SavvyAuntie.com. Her business recommends gifts for single professionals who have nieces and nephews to buy for. She was a perfect fit for Disney and they proposed a three week sponsorship deal. Notkin announced the deal on her blog and her Twitter account and ended up giving away numerous 2-disc packages and each entry included the hashtag #disneya (Disney+SavvyAuntie).  Over the course of the campaign, she tweeted 300 times and went from 6000-7000 followers to 8000 followers.  By doing this she was able to reach an audience that is watching less television and yet may be interested in owning a classic. Disney nor their agency would not talk about sales.

The report then goes on to list out seven recommendations for businesses thinking about using Twitter. I’ve added my take on those recommendations.

  1. Make sure Twitter fits your strategy – Don’t think that Twitter is only about distribution. Twitter is just another example of social media and all rules still apply.
  2. Stake your claim on Twitter – Make sure that even if you’re representing a company, that your name is apart of the ID.
  3. Assigning responsibilities – Have someone(s) dedicated to handling this medium. Inaction is a killer.
  4. Finding friends – Reap and sew. Find people you want to follow to build your Twitter community.
  5. Recruiting followers – <see number 4>
  6. Mobilizing your employees – open your business up to the online world. Employees should be incouraged to build brand depth.
  7. Measuring your effectiveness – There are tools that help you measure your business on Twitter and you should use them. (Start with search).

Along with this advice they listed numerous Twitter tools. (Yes there are a million of them and they thought these were the best.)

Saw this video today about Kogi/Twitter on CNN.