Tagcontextual advertising

If advertising is to work on mobile . . .


So  . . . if you’ve read this blog with any frequency, you know that Im not really a fan of advertising in general. No one wakes up and thinks “w00t! I CANNOT wait to see my first ad today!” They’re at best a nuisance or a form of entertainment during events such as the Super Bowl. As the digital world transitions from the PC based advertising of “throw the junk...

The issue with personalized advertising


We’ve all been sucked in by the hype around contextual advertising and many of us see these ads daily due to today’s tracking technologies. These technologies the tremendous amount of time spent online by consumers, understandably makes marketers giddy about the potential of personalized ads. The issue, that I see is around a person’s frame of mind. Just because I’ve...

Facebook could own situational advertising


Yesterday Facebook announced that it was simplifying privacy and launched a massive PR campaign to prove it.  Assuming they can get over this little issue of privacy, they stand to own a huge chunk of advertising. Yah. I know. Big deal. Advertising is not cool nor does it work. 2% click-through!?!?!? Are you kidding. But this is a big deal. This advertising will be situational! What is...