No such thing as spare time.

No such thing as free time.

No such thing as downtime.

All you got is life time.


-Henry Rollins

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The Antisocial CEO (video)


Social is not something you do; it’s something you are. Or in the case of many CEOs, it’s something they aren’t. CEOs of the future are going to look very different. I think they’ll have started as product managers with a knack for online interaction. (This video/infographic is based on stats from this report.)

Dead things


When I teach mobile marketing/social marketing @DanielsatDU, I show a slide of “dead things” to give students a real sense of how fast things change. What used to take 10 years for cultural/behavioral adoption, now takes about 3-5. I refer to getting up to speed with these changes as “hopping a bullet train”. Enjoy the list! PDAs Paid email accounts Cassette decks Dial-up...